Thursday, January 20, 2011

:) (2011).

Today has been awesome; I really feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest. My classes all went well, the subject matter is really interesting and I'm enjoying the banter I have with my fellow classmates. I am so glad that I got my generals out of the way first, now that I'm in my core classes everyone is so like minded. It's a great feeling.

My article today was stressful, but in a good way. I'm really getting comfortable in the field and I'm learning more everyday. I had a situation with NeuroRestorative, a group home in Carbondale. They tried to get city council to grant them a "special use permit" which allows more than one group home to exist on the same lot, which violates the existing ordinance which states that there must be 800 feet (1 street block) distance between one group home and another.

Not super interesting, right? That's what I thought until I went to the meeting. Apparently this business has caused many issues in the subdivision in which it is currently located. So much that the entire group of 25 households came, with a signed petition, and handed it to the mayor. Then they all spoke during the public hearing on it.

It was really interesting to see the Neuro rep give her presentation, because it was so eloquent and well prepared. I was shocked to see all the neighbors turn up to protest it.

Anyways, so the issue with today's article was that Neuro refused to do a follow up interview with me after hearing the complaints of the neighbors in the subdivision. Bad news bears, I was on deadline.

Luckily I still had the city council meeting recorded from my re-cap article, so I was able to quote their statements. (Yay for audible hoarding!)

Now my article is being edited now, I'm ready to go to Zach's house and have dinner. 10pm is late enough :)

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